here's afew pics dat i managed 2 find during my sec sch days. da rest i cldnt find uh, they r juz history now. haha! k here we go.....
tis pic taken wen i was in sec 3. walaowei, my face lyk wat sia. *covers face* haha! muke bdk baik siak. see, my face so clean no pimples n stuff. but look at my face now, masyallah! sane sini ade pimples. hahaha!!! anw, tis pic was wen im practising 4 my sch's Public Performance wic was held at Victoria JC. i acted as da teacher, Mr Patrick. my 1st tym acting on stage live infront of so many pple. eventho i had a hard tym since its my 1st tym acting, i tried my best n didnt disappoint my fellow sch actors n teachers. overall, it was a great experience where all my hard wrk reali paid off during da day of da performance.
k tis pic was in da classroom. i was in sec 4. i was sitting at da back end of da class. i had fun sitting there coz i can eat all i wan wifout being caught by da teacher. summore beside me got cupboard wat, so juz slid da rubbish behind it lor. hehehehe!!!! i tend 2 b mischievous but im da quiet2 type. u wun even noe if i've did sumtink bad. *evil smile*
i cant stand looking at tis. omg, klau nk ikotkn hati i dowan admit dat its me sia. hahahhahahhahaha... i noe i look terrible last tym. if i ask a gal 4 stead, confirm dier lari sia. hahahaha! kk shut up, shhhh!!!!
fuuuhhhh!!! posing nmpk! haha... as usual, was sitting at da back of da class. my partner was Nurul Kalyisah. wanna noe who? now she very famous one uh. u all got watch channel Suria crite Puteri Omera? yeah, she's d one yg acted as i dunno wats her name la in da story. anw, sitting wif her was fun. ade je kite bebual or mengumpat. i even got help frm her 2 get a gal's number. oopps! rahsia terbongkar beb. hahahaha... k la, peace. im out! (: