hello. k im so exhausted. having a lil headache aft a stressful day in sch. lyk i said, i kinda flung my ProgAuto lab test. i got evrytink mixed up n ya, da rest nonid tell la. mixed up means im gonna fail. aiya! rite aft dat, had POD quiz. tis one i seriously flung it. omg. wtf is wrong sia. haishhhh...
aft dat, got break frm 1-4pm. ate lunch n den wen 4 lecture. hazwan masok lecture, dudok jap den he said, "i tink ah, i go out ah." prangai sia. hahaha! sebenarnye i oso lazy so jeremy n i followed him outside n slacked at study table. hehe... jeremy n i played cards while hazwan study. he study oso 4 awhile only, aft dat go smoke. haha!
den they all go 4 their lessons, i still hav 1 more hour 2 slack since my last lesson starts only at 4pm. so i wen up 2 free access lab n accompanied my fren who's having problem wif his comprog project. i've oredi finished mine, juz waiting 4 d interview. so while accompanying him, i surfed da net till 4pm.
4-6pm was comprog. touched up on my project n den finally my turn 4 d interview. i made it look all so easy sia. hahaha... last semester i was having a hard tym understanding tis subject but aft retaking tis tym round, i've made gd use of dat 2nd chance. see, no wonder its alwys worth 2 give pple a 2nd chance coz pple lyk me will alwys make gd use of it 2 prove myself. (:
k now tmr i nonid attend comprog anymore coz im done n over wif it. BUT tmr still nid 2 cum sch, got math quiz. aiya! dh bagos2 tkyah dtg comprog, skali math plak kcau. if not i nonid cum sch sia coz tmr i only hav comprog n math. idiotic moron. anw, tmr mayb ptg playing soccer wif cuzzins fadhil n wawan at simpang bedok. cant wait 2 kick dat new ball wic was given 2 me by my oreo sweetheart as a bday present. weeee~
oh btw, i miss nellie.ollie.oreo <3