early in da mrng, gone 2 cuzzin's wedding at tampines. was there 4 awhile only as will b going out celebrate ndp. wen hme again as sis had 2 change her clothes frm baju kebaya 2 shirt n skirt. only 2nd sis followed me out coz 3rd sis going wif her othr frens 2 marina barrage.
anw, met up wif fadhil n halim at bedok int. proceeded 2 far east as fadhil nk tngk kasot. walk2, headed 2 marina square. there was a sea of red humans. haha! actually we planned 2 go esplanade nye depan but was blocked by police officers coz its oredi full. so nvm, join kak anis at marina square instead. titi n her cuzzins smue at fullerton hotel but we lazy wanna walk there. haha...
stayed there wif kak anis n her soon-to-be tunang, abg jazman. he kekek sia, made us laugh. blablabla, den got tis aunty tkde ticket nk masok ndp behh pakse2 officer 2 let her in. desperate siak dektu. org dh ckp tkleh means tkleh la. lagi nk masok. behh diri situ tunjok muke kesian dier. but atlast they let her in coz she's being sucha an ass. den i shouted, "if lyk tis i oso can uh, only nid 2 show my pity face wat!" hahahahaha...
so ya, i was only waiting 4 da Red Lions parachuters, da flypast of national flag, jet planes n firewrks. yg lain i dun care. hahaha! ohya, da soldiers dat were on duty had 2 salute da national flag wen it fly past. cool kepe. basically notink much uh. i juz dun geddit y pple scream wenever da firewrks wen off. i mean there's notink 2 scream abt wat. juz watch la. uat bising je sia dorg pekik2. hahaha!
aft firewrks, pple all rushing 2 get out frm there. sesak gile babi nye sia nk kua. i tink sum pple stupid u noe. if nk tunggu org jgn la kat depan pintu bile org smue tngh nk kua. got tis grp of matreps uh they stand kat sbelah entrance. dh la sesak, dorg lagi diri situ. bodoh pe sia, gi la tunggu kat Long John Silver kepe coz tu kn tempat slalu dorg mkn. hahaha! seriously, i fed up oredi, i purposely said, "alamakk, diri kat sini plak bodoh pe" while walking past dem. one of dem looked back at me but heckcare uh, i step tk tahu je.
nxt we jumpe kak nor at near padang n den we singgah 7-eleven bought drinks. den go mkn at suntec. pk nk mkn swensens but they closing oredi so juz ate at kfc la. aft dat, go hme. tiring day but it was fun!