hello! been sick since yest. exams r coming n i dowan anytink 2 happen 2 me. hope i recover soon. anw, there's no more sch 4 me but yest there's extra class 4 those who wanna attend. i wanted to but wen i woke up in da mrng i felt giddy n weak. felt lyk vomiting. so i wen back 2 slp n msged naz dat im not coming.
so da whole day i stayed at hme. studied abit but still i cldnt understand da subject. summore im sick n i cldnt concentrate. so juz tried my best n finally gav up. did workouts instead, followed a book wic i borrowed frm library. lets see, tis was wat i did:
- front deltoid raises
- bent over lateral raise
- shrugs
- side deltoid raise
- hammer curl
- alternating dumbbell curl
- side bends with dumbbells
- toe touch
- dumbbell swing
- alternating lunge
- dumbbell military press
- concentrated curl
- seated dumbbell curl
- seated overhead triceps extensions
- dumbbell kick back
- dumbbell trunk twists
- dumbbell raise
- lying side deltoid raise
den watched Armageddon on tv. cool sia. evrytym it was aired on tv, i nvr fail 2 watch it. at nite tok otp wif erah till lyk 1 plus i tink. den her fone batt flat. =.=
as 4 2day, stayed hme again. woke up at 1pm. still wasnt feeling well. i tried 2 study but juz cldnt. den arnd 4 plus wen back 2 slp. woke up at 7pm. now watching tv. parents juz came hme frm wrk n bought us dinner. plus mum wen 2 sheng siong n brought hme lotsa stuff. lemme list out wat she got 4 me:
- small packet of cereal
- 2 twiggies choc bread
- raisin buns
- a box of oreo
- a box of lexus choc crackers
- a set of pillows crackers
- a packet of mars mini choc
- a packet of snickers mini choc
- a box of 10 kinder buenos
- m&m's
- HL choc milk
wow! its lyk im in heaven sia. i love being pampered tis way, nvr felt so gd b4. hahaha... (: