tis post is dedicated 2 my dearest nelly. best of wishes 2 u, hope u'll hav a long lasting relationship wif ato...
afew wks back, u had a feeling dat sumtink was not rite n dat mayb da bof of us cld go far apart. u asked me if im hiding sumtink frm u but i said no. den i had da same feeling too. i felt as if ur gonna leave me behind n dat ur hiding sumtink away frm me. its juz too complicated. wen i found out u were oredi att, i realised its u who had 2 leave me.
yes, we cld still b frens. perhaps still bestfren. but i noe it wldnt b da same anymore. eventho u'll b there 4 me, still u hafta giv ur fullest attention 2 him. but im juz glad dat u now hav sum1 to takecare of u. hopefully he'll make u smile juz lyk how da way i usually do 2 u.
bestie, u've been sucha great tink 2 me. u brought light into my life wen evrytink's dark. i treasure u alot. im juz wanna say sory 2 u. mayb u'll b shock 2 hear tis but yeah, i felt guilty since da day u asked me if i was keeping sumtink away frm u. im reali so sory 2 hav lied 2 u all tis while. indeed, im hiding sumtink frm u...
u may hav not done anytink special 2 me but 4 me, da hug dat we had dat nite was special enuf. infact, ur hug was comfortable too. if i were given a last wish 2 grant for, i juz hope dat
will alwys stay strong till d end of times. juz 2 let u noe, even if u dun nid me anymore, i'll still b rite here 4 u so dat u noe im alwys there 4 u 2 rely on...
afew wks back, u had a feeling dat sumtink was not rite n dat mayb da bof of us cld go far apart. u asked me if im hiding sumtink frm u but i said no. den i had da same feeling too. i felt as if ur gonna leave me behind n dat ur hiding sumtink away frm me. its juz too complicated. wen i found out u were oredi att, i realised its u who had 2 leave me.
yes, we cld still b frens. perhaps still bestfren. but i noe it wldnt b da same anymore. eventho u'll b there 4 me, still u hafta giv ur fullest attention 2 him. but im juz glad dat u now hav sum1 to takecare of u. hopefully he'll make u smile juz lyk how da way i usually do 2 u.
bestie, u've been sucha great tink 2 me. u brought light into my life wen evrytink's dark. i treasure u alot. im juz wanna say sory 2 u. mayb u'll b shock 2 hear tis but yeah, i felt guilty since da day u asked me if i was keeping sumtink away frm u. im reali so sory 2 hav lied 2 u all tis while. indeed, im hiding sumtink frm u...
u may hav not done anytink special 2 me but 4 me, da hug dat we had dat nite was special enuf. infact, ur hug was comfortable too. if i were given a last wish 2 grant for, i juz hope dat
will alwys stay strong till d end of times. juz 2 let u noe, even if u dun nid me anymore, i'll still b rite here 4 u so dat u noe im alwys there 4 u 2 rely on...